Dear Academy Family, Thank you for taking time to look through the Crusader Times in the midst of your busy summer. Even during the “off season” we take great care to ensure our newsletter is a “one stop shop” for accurate and up-to-date Academy information and news. Some highlights of this edition: - a sincere salute to the families who joined in last Saturday’s campus beautification, and a special thanks to the day’s organizer, Mrs. Vale - we are excited for PreK and Kindergarten’s picnic this evening; I’m told the RSVPs have been robust, so I am looking forward to reconnecting with many of our youngest Crusaders - the parish is in the process of fixing a leak in the water pipe that supplies 3rd through 6th grade classrooms; the repair should be done by the start of school, but we have alternate classrooms identified in the “Old Building” in case the work takes longer than expected - while we continue to monitor what we hope are the last throes of the pandemic, the Academy has committed to a return to normal operations in 2021-2022; masks will continue to be optional, not required, and all classes will be in-person and on campus Finally, administration and office staff have been preparing the campus for the Academy faculty’s return to campus on Monday for the first day of in-service. Please pray for the strength and vision our teachers as they begin a new year. And let us continue to pray for one another. Our Lady of The Atonement—Pray For Us! Your servant,