Dear Academy Family, When I am with people who are talking about the heat, as Texans will do in a summer, about its moistness in August or that dry, clothes-piercing edge in September, I’ll nod. But I also like to throw in a little something hopeful and folksy at the tail end like, “Well, you know, Texas will start making sense again in the fall.” Cool mornings, crystal blue skies, new species of birds flitting among the trees’ slanting shadows… I hope you’ve been enjoying early autumn in Texas, and I hope you and your family will especially enjoy the perfectly timed four-day weekend ahead of us. Many thanks to Bishop Lopes for his gift of these days of autumnal leisure, and for the recognition of the Academy as a site of deep evangelization that prompted it. Let us continue to pray for one another. Our Lady of The Atonement—Pray For Us! Your servant, Matthew David Watson Head of School